Lumberton United Methodist Church is an open community of Christ’s disciples who desire to love and serve one another and the world. Established in Lumberton Village more than two hundred years ago, we moved to our new location on Municipal Drive about 60 years ago. Our mission is: Welcome . Provide . Serve. It reflects our desire to welcome all people with Christian hospitality, provide opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship, and serve our community with acceptance, love and compassion. In brief, our purpose is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. (Matthew 28:19)
What We Believe: We are part of the United Methodist Church, an international community of faith, and you can learn more about our core beliefs here
We believe in the authority of Scripture. In preaching and teaching we take the Scriptures seriously, but not literally. We believe this is one important way in which God addresses us, and the world, today.
Through the Eucharist/Holy Communion, grace is extended to all of us. Our table is open. We welcome all, from different denominations, whether members or not.